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Eco-friendly Practices: Fifty Shades of Green

by Lisa Schofield | November 17, 2015

“Going green” not too long ago was a bit rudimentary like one shade, say jade: recycling glass, plastic and cardboard, using energy-saving lights, even carpooling with co-workers. But now, it’s morphed from just jade into 50 shades of green—which encompasses use of multiple new technologies to conserve resources while simultaneously being allowed to maximize growth ...

Facility Growth Review

by Lisa Schofield | October 1, 2015

Growth is healthy, notably in an industry that is seeing more and more consumers enter through trial and become loyal. The dietary supplement industry is, and has been for quite a long time, one of those continual growth industries with no signs of abatement. Discovery, research and development plus increased media exposure (mass and social) ...

Empower Your Brand with Certifications

by Lisa Schofield | September 1, 2015

American consumers are swayed and influenced by seals of approval and quality. In fact, for some, the lack of any such thing will result in that product being put back on the shelf in favor of one that does. Simple. We like to feel secure and safe with what we use and consume. And the ...

Ensuring Stability

by Lisa Schofield | May 5, 2015

Industry suppliers employ a range of sophisticated technology to provide stable, active components. Anything that is unstable is downright scary. Think about it: an unstable building foundation, an unstable stock market, an unstable individual. When we perceive something or someone as being unstable, our reaction is to avoid it. Supplements are the same way. If ...

Special Delivery!

by Lisa Schofield | March 31, 2015

When it comes to delivery format innovations, consumers–especially children and seniors–are willing to give them a try. “New and improved.” What does that truly mean? If something that already exists is “improved,” can it truly be “new?” To most consumers, the answer is yes. If it is a product that has been dramatically improved, then ...

Passing the Test

by Lisa Schofield | January 9, 2015

NQA/QC testing continues to evolve. Every second of the day, someone is consuming a dietary supplement, whether in pill form, beverage, chew, etc. Consumers automatically take two things on faith—that the supplement will work as the label claims, and that it is safe; it won’t make them sick. As new ingredients are being launched and ...

Summarizing Sanitation

by Lisa Schofield | October 6, 2014

Clean is lean. Strict sanitation processes are the lasting cornerstone of safety, notably for products meant to be ingested into the human body.We all tend to cringe when we hear of recalls of natural foods (lettuce, etc.) due to nefarious bacteria nestled on a batch; this is usually found after someone (or more than one) ...

Certifications: A Matter of Trust

by Lisa Schofield | September 9, 2014

On nearly any consumer product, one may find a wee logo. Some people may overlook it, but many others will find, happily so, that the logo conveys that the product meets and/or exceeds certain safety and quality standards. Certification goes a long way for building consumer trust.Ruth Kinzey, corporate reputation strategist, consultant and author, wrote ...

Extracting the Future of Herbs

by Lisa Schofield | July 21, 2014

The ancients knew that a certain leaf, a specific root, a type of mushroom or a kind of bark had healing or nourishing properties. Sophisticated technology has revealed exactly which of the naturally occurring constituents within those organic substrates provide the healing or nourishing action. But there’s a third, critical step: extracting those active elements, ...

Delicious and Nutritious Gummies

by Lisa Schofield | June 1, 2014

Perfection has been achieved, at least in the eyes of many a supplement consumer: the ability to enjoy a “candy” and know you are giving your body the nutrition it needs to stay healthy. Hans Riegel, Sr., a confectioner from Bonn, Germany, started the Haribo company in 1920. The prototypical “gummi bear” was launched a couple ...

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